Testimi ekstern, notimi, sfidat, dhe hapat e ardhshëm: Testim ekstern me çdo kusht? | CCM

Testimi ekstern, notimi, sfidat, dhe hapat e ardhshëm: Testim ekstern me çdo kusht?

year: 2016

The introduction of external testing of students' knowledge is one of the most controversial reforms in educational system in Republic of Macedonia due to the wide publicity and reactions in the public discourse. The implementation of the measure has faced serious challenges. 5 years after its introduction, the effects of the measure is absent and fails to give a clear picture of whether the concept of external evaluation contributes to the goal: determining objectivity in teacher assessment and self-reflection of the acquired knowledge of the students.

This research seeks to reveal the perception of the evaluated (teachers and professors) about the fulfillment of this set goal. By measuring the perception of those most directly affected by this policy, a picture of the relationship between the purpose of external evaluation should be obtained, set by policy makers and its end users: teachers and students. Has teacher objectivity improved? What is the impact of external evaluation on students? Does external testing affect the improvement of the quality of education? These are all issues that still create serious public disagreements between the main participants in education.

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