Institutional grant provided by the CIVICA MOBILITAS programme | CCM

Institutional grant provided by the CIVICA MOBILITAS programme

The institutional grant is awarded by the Civica Mobilitas programme financed by the Swiss agency for development and cooperation (SDC) represented by the Swiss embassy in the Republic of North Macedonia. The grant is intended to support CCM in conducting activities for institutional development and organizational strengthening.

Period 01.07.2019 - 30.06.2022

Donor: CIVICA MOBILITAS programme - Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation

Project beneficiary: Center for Change Management

Main goal:

The goal of the project is institutional development and organizational strengthening of the Center for Change Management.

Expected results:

Outcome 1 – Civil Society Environment Enabling Environment

Part of the project activities will contribute to creating a functional dialogue related to the European integration involving the civil society. With the start of the EU accession negotiations, the Council for cooperation with and for development of the civil society formed together with the Government, will increasingly intensify its work, and CCM will actively participate directly or indirectly, and thus promote and contribute to a constructive discussion and strengthened influence over the decision making and policy creation.

Outcome 2 - Civic Engagement

One of the key aspects of the institutional grant is strengthening and positioning of the mid-term and long-term plans for CCM, by preparing a Strategic plan for the period 2020-2025 and Work programme, that will fit into the wider reform agenda of the country. CCM will focus on the public administration reform and strengthening the EU accession processes, as well as reinforcement of the citizens’ trust in the institutions and the integration processes, engaging CCM’s expertise and further building on it. These strategic documents will include processes for capacity building of the organization and its employees through analysis, research and participation in selected conferences, new organizational scheme and job descriptions, performance appraisal procedures and collecting feedback, thus contributing to sustainability of the organisation.

Outcome 3 – Collaboration

An informal thematic network of up to 10 civil society organisations will be formed and promoted for monitoring in the mentioned areas. The cooperation with the civil society organisations will refer to analysis of the situation in the local communities and initiating dialogue for improved solutions and good governance, resulting in:

  • Indicators for monitoring the local practices in the selected areas,
  • Reports for the local practices based on the defined priorities and indicators,
  • Monitoring and more comprehensive reports on regional level,
  • A comprehensive report on national level for 2019 and 2020.

Outcome 4 - Civil/ Citizen participation

It is a strategic priority of CCM to work on its internal capacities in selected areas:

  • Innovation, information society and social policy covering the negotiation chapters: information society and media (chapter 10), social policy (chapter 19), science and research (chapter 25) and education and culture (chapter 26),
  • Institutions (chapter 34) and
  • Political criteria and public administration – setting standards for good practices in the public administration and applying the pirnciples of transparency, accountability and efficiency.

The activities will result in 4 policy papers for the mentioned chapters of the acquis communautaire.

The institutional grant is supported by the Civica Mobilitas programme financed by the Swiss agency for development and cooperation (SDC).

Project gallery

Civica Mobilitas Festival for CSO Day on "30 Years of Civic Engagement"

Civica Mobilitas Festival- "Civil Society Day"

Workshop #2- "Working As One to Achieve the Mission" Mentorship for organizational development of CCM Supported by Civica Mobilitas

Strategic planning CCM