Video | CCM



Guest appearance of the executive director of CCM Neda Maleska Sachmaroska in the show "Programi 200" on Alsat TV

Guest appearance of the executive director of CCM Neda Maleska Sachmaroska in the show "Programi 200" on Alsat TV on the occasion of:

- The effectiveness of the reorganization of the administration,
- The quality of the senior management service and the (mis)use of the acting institute. director,
​- The values ​​according to which the public sector should be managed in the management of public affairs and delivery of results for citizens.

Guest appearance of CCM researcher Aneta Ivanova Stojanoska on the morning program on TV Telma

Guest appearance of CCM researcher Aneta Ivanova Stojanoska on the morning program on TV Telma, on the occasion of the Government Work Program 2024-2028. About how much it contains pre-election promises and measurable indicators and about how CCM will monitor the implementation of the Program through the platform in the coming period.

Guest appearance of the CCM executive director Neda Maleska Sachmaroska in the TV show "25 Minutes"

Guest appearance of CCM executive director Neda Maleska Sachmaroska in the TV show "25 minutes", on the occasion of the reorganization of the state administration bodies, optimization of the public sector, the "balancer" tool and the promises in the Government Work Program 2024-2028.

CCM program coordinator Iskra Belcheva Ristosvka guest appearance on 360 degree show

Guest of the CCM program co-ordinator Iskra Belcheva Ristovska in the show "360 degrees", in connection with the Government's work program for the period 2024-2028 and how far the pre-election promises are kept in it and how the CCCM will monitor the implementation of the Program through the interactive platform

The platform was created within the framework of the "Rethinking Management" project, which was implemented by CCM and supported by the Government of the United Kingdom through the British Embassy in Skopje.

CCM program coordinator Iskra Belcheva Ristovska on TV Telma - Presentation of the platform

Guest appearence of the CCM program coordinator Iskra Belcheva Ristovska on the morning program of Telma TV, with the aim of presenting the platform, through which the CUP follows the promises of the political parties in the 2024 parliamentary elections.

The platform was created within the framework of the "Rethinking Management" project, which was implemented by CUP and supported by the Government of the United Kingdom through the British Embassy in Skopje.

Guest appearance of CCM executive director Neda Maleska Sachmaroska on Sitel TV -

Guest of the executive director of CCM Neda Maleska Sachmaroska on the program "Topic of the day" on TV Sitel, on the occasion of the interactive platform, through which CCM follows the promises of political parties in the 2024 parliamentary elections.

The platform was created within the framework of the "Rethinking Management" project, which was implemented by CCM and supported by the Government of the United Kingdom through the British Embassy in Skopje.

The program coordinator of CCM Iskra Belcheva Ristovska in the program Detector on TV Sitel

The executive director of CCM Neda Maleska Sachmaroska in the show Detector on TV Sitel

Dimitar Vrglevski from CUP in an interview on TV Sloboden Pechat

Dimitar Vrglevski from CCM in the program on "Sloboden Pechat" on the occasion of CCM's research on the discretionary powers of the Municipalities and the procedures for paid political advertising in election processes, the way of their use and the risk of corruption.


Branka Mincheva Kocevska from CCM in an interview on TV Sloboden Pechat

The CCM project coordinator Branka Mincheva Kocevska in an interview on TV Sloboden Pechat on the occasion of the research on the transparency and accountability of public sector institutions and the optimization of public administration.

The executive director of KUP Neda Maleska Sachmaroska in a 360-degree show

The CCM executive director Neda Maleska Sachmaroska in an interview for "360 degrees" regarding innovations in the public sector, optimization and professionalization of the administration and improvement of public services for citizens and businesses.

Guest appearance in the morning program on TV Thelma of the program coordinator at CCM Iskra Belcheva Ristovska

(online) Workshop "Performance and Success Indicators" - Public Administration Training Series

Interview with the executive director of CUP Neda Maleska Sachmaroska on 25 Minutes

Guest appearance of CCM project coordinator Jasna Pajkovska in the morning program of TV Telma

Project coordinator Jasna Pajkovska was a guest on TV Telma on the occasion of promoting the results of the project "Socio-Economic Strengthening of Young Women in the Northeast Planning Region".

Workshop "Leadership focused on results" - Series of trainings for public administration

Within the framework of the "Rethinking Management" project, the Center for Change Management (CMP) organizes a series of trainings for public administration. This series of trainings started with an online workshop entitled "Leadership for Change", led by Stephen Batey, formerly of the UK Prime Minister's Office Performance Monitoring Unit. Representatives from all central institutions in the country were present at the online workshop.

How things got done - in translation "how things were done" is a one-sentence summary of the work of the Unit for monitoring the delivery of results in the Prime Minister's office in Great Britain (Prime Minister's Delivery Unit).

The project "Rethinking Management" is funded by UK International Development by the Government of the United Kingdom through the British Embassy in Skopje and is implemented by the Center for Change Management (CMP) in cooperation with the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia.

Guest appearance of CCM project coordinator Jasna Pajkovska in the show "Thelma's Morning"

The project coordinator of CCM Jasna Pajkovska was a guest on the program "Morning of Thelma" in connection with the current activities of the project "Socio-economic empowerment of women from the North-Eastern planning region" which promotes the concept of economy of care through various forms of social entrepreneurship as well as integration of social elements of existing businesses ie. transformation of businesses and strengthening of their social responsibility. However, the main goal is to encourage young women (from the selected municipalities in the North-Eastern planning region) to start their own businesses through which they will address the problems in their communities and become economically independent.

Read more about the project at the following link 

Results from the project "Fostering Good Governance and Public Administration Reform"

The project "Fostering Good Governance and Public Administration Reform" was implemented by the Center for Change Management (CCM) with the support from the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). Within the framework of the project, the CCM team conducted 4 monitoring reports on the operation of the public sector institutions, in connection with: - Transparency of the institutions 
- The management structures in the institutions
- Employment and material and financial operations of the institutions
-  Appropriate and fair representation of communities in the institutions

Guest appearance of the CCM executive director Neda Maleska Sachmaroska in the program Agenda 35

The executive director of the Center for Change Management (CCM), Neda Maleska Sachmaroska, was a guest on the TV program Agenda 35, on the topic of public administration reform. The focus was placed on salaries in the public sector, their mutual ratio at different levels as well as the relationship with salaries from the private sector. The debate was also shifted towards the professionalization of management structures in the public sector and the urgent need to adopt the Law on Senior Management Service.

Participation of the executive director of CCM Neda Maleska Sachmaroska on the debate show "Top Topic" on TV Telma

The executive director of CCM Neda Maleska Sachmaroska was a speaker on the debate show "Top Topic" on Telma TV on the occasion of the progress of the processes of public administration reform against the EU integration processes.

Panel Discussion "Reinventing Governance"

Panel discussion "Who and how govern institutions?"

Guest of the CCM program coordinator Iskra Belcheva Ristovska at a debate on TV 24

The Program Coordinator of CCM Iskra Belcheva Ristovska was a guest at a debate on TV 24, where the state of public administration was discussed and some of her main points were that:

The opportunity to get the most professional people in management positions is bypassed. By dividing leadership positions among coalition partners, we are not using the available human capital that exists outside the parties.

The state is continuously in crisis and cannot afford for the institutions to not function anymore
Part of the points of the program coordinator of CCM Iskra Belcheva Ristovska in the show "Argument Plus" on TV 24 Vesti

Guest appearance of CCM Executive Director Neda Maleska Sachmaroska in a debate on TV 24

The Executive Director of CCM Neda Maleska Sachmaroska was a guest in a debate on TV 24 where the responsiveness of institutions was discussed and some of her points were that:

Institutions must be faster and more agile in solving citizens' problems, and civil organizations cannot be expected to react. Especially if there are problems in healthcare in the access to medicines where a quick reaction is required, because lives are at stake.

Essential problems remain unsolved due to the constant change of management positions based on political agreements, contrary to the merit system and regardless of the expertise of the persons, which does not allow the continuity of the processes.

Guest appearance of the executive director of CUP Neda Maleska Sachmaroska in the show 25minutes on TV 24 news

MPs have the right and need for travel expenses in the performance of their work tasks, but the problem with us is that MPs' travel expenses are not subject to any restrictions.

The executive director of CUP Neda Maleska Sachmaroska in the 25minutes show on TV24.

We request that the new code of ethics and the guidelines for its application be adopted soon, which regulates the gray zone between what is a legally established right on the one hand and what is the moral and ethical behavior of the deputies on the other hand.

The new code of ethics contains registers as mechanisms for improving the transparency of the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia, such as a register of gifts and a register of interests. Inclusive and confidential counseling, in case of failure to act according to moral and ethical principles. In this way, the accountability and transparency of the Assembly is increased and the possibilities for any abuse are reduced.

The code of ethics and the guidelines for its application were developed within the framework of the Parliament Support Program implemented by NDI North Macedonia, the Institute for Democracy 'Societas Civilis' Skopje and the Center for Change Management and supported by the Embassy of Switzerland in North Macedonia.

Guest appearance of the program coordinator of the CCM Iskra Belcheva Ristovska on the Morning program of on Slobodna TV

The program coordinator of the CCM, Iskra Belcheva Ristovska, in an interview for the Morning program on Slobodna TV on the topic of the situation in the public administration in our country, pointed out that:

- The more open the institutions, the lower the chances of corruption.

- The support of the employees in the institutions for the application of the technologies is necessary, but also the existence of political will for the digitization of the public administration.

- The responsibility in the public sector is equal to both the management and the employees in the process of improving the functionality of the institutions.

Guest appearance of the executive director of the CCM Neda Maleska Sachmaroska on Alsat TV on the topic - Administration, corruption and citizens' despair

The executive director of the CCM, Neda Maleska Sachmaroska, was a guest on Alsat TV on the occasion of the announced administration reform and corruption in our country.
How can corrupt actions be reduced by reforming the public sector and stimulating good governance and effective institutions that will protect the public and civil interest.

Conference - Improving access to public information

On September 23, 2022, at the Panorama Hotel, CUP organized the conference - Improvement of the system for access to public information. The conference talked about proactive transparency of institutions as a prerequisite for accountability and the fight against corruption, and transparency as a thread of democratic processes.

The conference is organized in cooperation with the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of good governance policies Mrs. Slavica Grkovska and the Agency for the Protection of the Right to Free Access to Public Information within the framework of the project "Encouraging good governance and reforms in public administration" conducted by CUP and supported by the National Endowment for Democracy.

Promotion of women's businesses - Jana Jewelry - Skopje - Jana Arsovska

Во рамки на проектот „Мерки за зајакнување на женски бизниси по Ковид-19“ имплементиран од Центарот за управување со промени (ЦУП) а поддржан од USAID North Macedonia и Balkan Trust for Democracy, беа изработени промотивни видеа за бизнисите на жените претприемачки кои беа дел од менторската програма.

Промоција на женски бизниси - Jana Jewelry - Скопје - Јана Арсовска

Во рамки на проектот „Мерки за зајакнување на женски бизниси по Ковид-19“ имплементиран од Центарот за управување со промени (ЦУП) а поддржан од USAID North Macedonia и Balkan Trust for Democracy, беа изработени промотивни видеа за бизнисите на жените претприемачки кои беа дел од менторската програма.

Promotion of women's businesses - Izida Sa - Ohrid - Susana Naumovska

As part of the project "Measures to strengthen women's businesses after Covid-19" implemented by the Change Management Center (CCM) and supported by USAID North Macedonia and the Balkan Trust for Democracy, promotional videos were made for the businesses of women entrepreneurs who were part from the mentoring program. 

How is reported discrimination resolved in KSZD?

The executive director of the CCM Neda Maleska Sachmaroska was a guest speaker on the show "Top Tema" on Telma TV

The executive director of the Center for Change Management (CCM) Neda Maleska Sachmaroska was a guest on the show "Top Tema" on TV Telma, together with the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of European Affairs Bojan Marichik, on the occasion of the new report of the European Commission and assessment of the functionality of the institutions and the public administration reforms in light of the European integration processes of our country.

Конференција „Предизвиците нажените во руралните рседини и нивните заложби“

At the conference "Challenges of women in rural areas and their commitments", the attendees highlighted the independent position of women farmers, their needs and the priority measures to improve their socio-economic position.

The conference was organized in cooperation with the National Federation of Farmers (NFF) under the auspices of the wife of the President of the RSM, Mrs. Elizabeta Gjorgievska

The event is part of the project "Measures to strengthen women's businesses after Covid-19" implemented by CCM and supported by USAID North Macedonia and The Balkan Trust for Democracy

Guest appearance of the executive director of CUP Neda Maleska Sachmaroska in the show 25 minutes on TV 24 news

On the occasion of the current developments in the public administration regarding the issue of merit in the services, the executive director of CUP Neda Maleska Sachmaroska, was a guest on the 25 minutes show on TV 24 news.

The executive director of the CCM Neda Maleska Sachcharoska Panelist on discussion of "Digital Democracy"

The executive director of the CCM Neda Maleska Sachmaroska was part of the panel discussion of UNDP MK, on the topic "Digital Democracy".

At the event, the director emphasized the relations of digitization with the processes of good management in institutions, mobilizing the public and the need to build the capacities and knowledge of digital literacy of the population, followed by positive examples from practice.

Watch the broadcast of the event and hear more about digitization and democratic processes in our country

Промоција на женски бизниси - Copper art - Охрид - Данче Наумоска

Во рамки на проектот Мерки за зајакнување на женски бизниси по Ковид-19, имплементиран од Центарот за управување со промени (ЦУП) а поддржан од USAID North Macedonia и Balkan Trust for Democracy, беа изработени промотивни видеа за бизнисите на жените претприемачки кои беа дел од менторската програма.

Exhibition "women in crafts"

Within the framework of the project "Measures to strengthen women's businesses after Covid-19" supported by USAID North Macedonia and The Balkan Trust for Democracy, CCM organized a three-day exhibition of the works of women artisans under the auspices of the wife of the President of the Republic of North Macedonia, Mrs. Elizabeth Gjorgievska.

The three-day exhibition was organized from May 16 to 17, 2022 on the plateau of the office of the President of the State.

The attendees got acquainted with the culture, tradition and art that carry the unique products of women artisans. But the most important thing is that everyone recognized the importance of female entrepreneurship and the need for its further support and development.

Промоција на женски бизниси - PS Filigree - Охрид - Павлина Шикалеска

Во рамки на проектот „Мерки за зајакнување на женски бизниси по Ковид-19“ имплементиран од Центарот за управување со промени (ЦУП) а поддржан од USAID North Macedonia и Balkan Trust for Democracy, беа изработени промотивни видеа за бизнисите на жените претприемачки кои беа дел од менторската програма.

Visit of women craftsmen on the occasion of the day of cultural heritage

The CCM team in cooperation with the wife of the President of the Republic of North Macedonia Mrs. Elizabeta Gjorgievska, on the occasion of the days of cultural heritage, visited women craftsmen who make and have collections of traditional Macedonian and Albanian clothes. The purpose of the visit was to promote women entrepreneurs who nurture the cultural heritage of different cultures living in the territory of the Republic of Northern Macedonia.

Visit of the Executive Director of CUP Neda Maleska Sachmaroska at the Morning Briefing on Slobodna TV

On the occasion of the Conference organized by the CUP entitled "From the March for Workers' Rights to the Digital Economy", within the project "Measures to strengthen women's businesses after Covid-19", supported by the Balkan Trust for Democracy, CUP Executive Director Neda Maleska Sachmaroska was a guest at the Morning briefing on Slobodna TV.

Visit of the executive director of CUP Neda Maleska Sachmaroska on the Morning program of Telma

On the occasion of the Conference organized by the CUP entitled "From the March for Workers' Rights to the Digital Economy", within the project "Measures to strengthen women's businesses after Covid-19", supported by the Balkan Trust for Democracy, CUP Executive Director Neda Maleska Sachmaroska was a guest on the Morning program on Telma TV.

CCM Executive Director Neda Maleska-Sachmaroska, interview on Agdenda 35

Submitting an application to the Commission for prevention and protection from discrimination - Sign language

The video was made within the project "Fight against discrimination through the support of the Commission for Prevention and Protection against Discrimination" (CSSD), implemented by the Center for Change Management and supported by the United Kingdom through the British Embassy in Skopje

Submitting an application to the Commission for prevention and protection from discrimination - ALB

The video was made within the project "Fight against discrimination through the support of the Commission for Prevention and Protection against Discrimination" (CSSD), implemented by the Center for Change Management and supported by the United Kingdom through the British Embassy in Skopje

Submitting an application to the Commission for prevention and protection from discrimination - MKD

The video was made within the project "Fight against discrimination through the support of the Commission for Prevention and Protection against Discrimination" (CSSD), implemented by the Center for Change Management and supported by the United Kingdom through the British Embassy in Skopje

Statement of Jasna Pajkovska, project coordinator at CUP for Alfa TV

Project - Strengthening women businesses after COVID-19

The project "Measures to strengthen women's businesses after Covid-19" is implemented by the Center for Change Management (CCM) and is supported by the Balkan Trust for Democracy

Meet the members of CPPD - Igor Jadrovski, Member of CPPD

This video was made within the project "Fight against discrimination through the support of the Commission for prevention and protection against discrimination" supported by the British Embassy in Skopje.

Meet the members of CPPD - Irfat Deari, Member of CPPD

This video was made within the project "Fight against discrimination through the support of the Commission for prevention and protection against discrimination" supported by the British Embassy in Skopje.

Meet the members of CPPD - Kire Vasilev, Member of CPPD

This video was made within the project "Fight against discrimination through the support of the Commission for prevention and protection against discrimination" supported by the British Embassy in Skopje.

Meet the members of CPPD - Limko Bejzarovski, Member of CPPD

This video was made within the project "Fight against discrimination through the support of the Commission for prevention and protection against discrimination" supported by the British Embassy in Skopje.

Meet the members of CPPD - Vesna Bendevska, President of CPPD

This video was made within the project "Fight against discrimination through the support of the Commission for prevention and protection against discrimination" supported by the British Embassy in Skopje.

The project coordinator in CCM Jasna Pajkovska guest on the morning program on MTV1

The project coordinator in CCM Jasna Pajkovska was a guest on the morning program of MRTV1 where she promoted the goals and expected results of the project "Measures to strengthen women's businesses after Kovid-19". The project aims to find long-term solutions to the consequences of Covid-19 that women businesses have suffered as well as to supplement and strengthen the skills and knowledge of project participants through the implementation of various activities such as training, workshops etc.

The project "Measures to threaten women businesses after Covid-19" is implemented by the CUP and supported by the Balkan Trust for Democracy.

Promotional video of the project "Fight against discrimination through the support of the Commission for prevention and protection against discrimination"

The Center for Change Management (CUP) with the support of the British Embassy in Skopje is implementing the project "Fight against discrimination through the support of the Commission for Prevention and Protection against Discrimination (CPPD)".

The main goal of the project is to establish a functional system for protection of the fundamental rights of citizens and prevention of discrimination, through the effective work of the CPPD

Webinarium: North Macedonia: (un)predictable changes in the political scene

CCM Executive Director Neda Malesa Sachmaroska participated in the website on the topic "Northern Macedonia (un)predictable changes on the political scene", organized by the Institute for Central Europe in Poland.

The website discussed the composition of by-elections in RNM and the effect and the impact of relations with the Republic of Bulgaria on the European integration path of RNM.

CCM Executive Director Neda Maleska-Sachmaroska, interview on Trilling

Reducing the working hours of the administration on Friday is neither a reform step, nor will it increase the productivity of the employees in the institutions, and on the other hand, as an EU aspirant country, we are sending a bad signal.

We have about 10 institutions with one employee, and at the same time they have a huge number of resources that they use and burden the budget.

In Macedonia there are about 3600 members of management and supervisory boards who annually spend about two million euros.


The project Youth involvement in a constructive dialogue: Communist Past in Contemporary Western Balkan
suggests deepening the work in education and raising awareness of the younger generation, opening a debate through an analysis of the causes and consequences of dictatorial regimes, honoring victims and above all, transparency in crimes committed against humanity by communist and other dictatorial regimes.


The transition from communism to post-communism in countries like Albania and North Macedonia has been determined and strongly influenced not only by the collapse of ideologies and by the changes in the international political scene after 1989, but also by the profound changes that effected the customs, lifestyles, and collective mentality in EU. The impunity of the crimes of the communist regime continues to be a serious wound for these societies even 30 years after the fall of the dictatorship and yet it has not established a substantial division from the communist past. In that regard, there can be no reconciliation and peace without historical memory.

The Executive Director of CCM- Neda Maleska- Sachmaroska, guest in 24 open

Neda Maleska-Sachmaroska in 24 open: Digitalization of public services that are most frequent in the life of a citizen. With full digitalization of the processes, electronic interconnection of the institutions for exchange of information, the citizens will receive fast and efficient services. By minimizing or completely eliminating the human factor, the risk of corruption will be reduced.

Second Workshop-Youth involvement in a constructive dialogue: Communist past in contemporary Western Balkan in Skopje Day 2

Second Workshop-Youth involvement in a constructive dialogue: Communist past in contemporary Western Balkan in Skopje Day 1

Presentation of the second National Report on Monitoring the Public Administration Reform (PAR) 2019-2020, part of the WEBER project.

A country's progress is largely determined by the quality of its public administration.
Therefore, although often criticized, it is necessary to emphasize the general political importance of public administration for the system of governance and management of public policies. This is how the presentation of the Executive Director of the Center for Change Management, Neda Maleska Sachmaroska, started, within the presentation of the second National Report on Monitoring of Public Administration Reform (PAR) 2019-2020, part of the WEBER project.

On the event, participants discussed about the state of public administration reform in the Republic of North Macedonia, the progress made in this process so far, which is a prerequisite for the country's membership in the European Union, as well as future activities.

What energy perspective awaits us?

The "green" scenario in the Energy Development Strategy until 2040 is the most optimal solution for the country's development in the coming years.

Energy saving

Increased participation of renewable sources

One step closer to EU standards

Sustainable energy for a secure future!

Building greener and safer future for North Macedonia

Revised and adopted the National Strategy for Energy Development 2040.

The green scenario in the updated strategy for energy development until 2040 - the most optimal for the development of the country in the coming years.

Align with EU policies and provide the necessary platform for modernization and transformation of the energy sector in line with EU energy trends.

Contribute to increased access, integration and availability of energy services, reduction of pollution and increased participation of the private sector, taking into account the development potential of North Macedonia.

What energy perspective awaits us?

The "green" scenario in the Energy Development Strategy until 2040 is the most optimal solution for the country's development in the coming years.

Energy saving

Increased participation of renewable sources

One step closer to EU standards

Sustainable energy for a secure future!

Building greener and safer future for North Macedonia

Revised and adopted the National Strategy for Energy Development 2040.

The green scenario in the updated strategy for energy development until 2040 - the most optimal for the development of the country in the coming years.

Align with EU policies and provide the necessary platform for modernization and transformation of the energy sector in line with EU energy trends.

Contribute to increased access, integration and availability of energy services, reduction of pollution and increased participation of the private sector, taking into account the development potential of North Macedonia.

What energy perspective awaits us?

The "green" scenario in the Energy Development Strategy until 2040 is the most optimal solution for the country's development in the coming years.

Energy saving

Increased participation of renewable sources

One step closer to EU standards

Sustainable energy for a secure future!

Building greener and safer future for North Macedonia

Revised and adopted the National Strategy for Energy Development 2040.

The green scenario in the updated strategy for energy development until 2040 - the most optimal for the development of the country in the coming years.

Align with EU policies and provide the necessary platform for modernization and transformation of the energy sector in line with EU energy trends.

Contribute to increased access, integration and availability of energy services, reduction of pollution and increased participation of the private sector, taking into account the development potential of North Macedonia.

Presentation of the new electronic service for registration of projects / donations in SEA

Presentation of the electronic way of project registration in the Secretariat for European Affairs and emphasizing the benefits of the introduction of the electronic service.
The service was developed within the project "Digitalization for business continuity in the public sector", funded by the Government of the United Kingdom, with the support of the British Embassy Skopje, and implemented by the Center for Change Management, in cooperation with the Secretariat for European Affairs.

Neda Maleska for SCOOP Macedonia- Professionalization of the public administration

Overstaffed administration, minimal reforms. For years, governments have indicated that administrative reforms are necessary, but so far no one has taken it seriously to rearrange the huge state administrative apparatus. But instead, politics and parties have been constantly filling the institutions with their own party cadres, which has made it very difficult to rearrange it into a professional service to the citizens. What reforms are needed and where to start.

Conference: Digitalization of services in the field of education

The developed electronic services of the Ministry of Education and Science were presented at the conference, and a discussion was opened on the benefits of digital transformation in the public sector.

The services were developed within the project "Digitalization for business continuity in the public sector", funded by the Government of the United Kingdom, with the support of the British Embassy Skopje, and implemented by the Center for Change Management, in cooperation with the Ministry of Information Society and administration.

The conference was addressed by the Minister of Education and Science Mila Carovska, the Minister of Information Society and Administration Jeton Shaqiri, the Deputy Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Dominique Otwai, the Program Coordinator at the Center for Change Management Martin Todevski, senior political in SIGMA Kaido Pabusk and the professor of FCSE Boro Jakimovski. The event was moderated by the Executive Director of CCM Neda Maleska Sachmaroska.

Public debate: Resistance and adaptability of the education sector in the Republic of North Macedonia

At the debate together with the Minister of Education and Science Mila Carovska and the experts Nick Morgan from Scotland and Sandra Kucina Softic from Croatia,we talked about how the countries in Europe, including our country, coped with the sudden changes in the education sector, ie the change from classroom to online teaching. We shared the experiences from the implementation of distance learning in our country as well as in Scotland and Croatia, talked about the opinions and experiences of teachers, parents and students, which are part of the whole process and agreed on the importance of digital literacy and on which level is in our country, and at which in more developed countries.
It is necessary to modernize or digitize education in all segments and services, as well as reforms that will create an easily adaptable teaching process in times of crisis.

Campaign "November- month of public services discussions"

"November - a month of public service discussions." Together with partner organizations, we conducted public service research at central and local levels. The purpose of these discussions is to provide an overview of all identified problems before decision makers and public institutions, findings, but also recommendations from researchers to improve service delivery in many selected areas of society. The recommendations provide a basis for initial steps to improve some of the analyzed services, and before that to open a public discussion for modernization of services for citizens. The Assembly has an obligation to supervise the work of public institutions from a functional, financial and in terms of implementation of the planned reforms, hence the delivery of services to users, and the basis for oversight hearings can be data and information from civil society organizations. Such synergy is not only a modern way of broad involvement of citizens in policy making and monitoring, but also a jointly strengthened influence for the implementation of reforms for the benefit of citizens.


The Center for Change Management (CCM) has introduced a new tool to encourage citizens to make changes in the public sphere by submitting initiatives on our website.

You need to design and enter your initiative on our website and start spreading the idea of ​​change, you can also support the already published initiatives. It takes 500 supporters for the initiative to reach to the decision-makers.

Public administration during the Covid crisis: When will enter the 21st century?

Neda Maleska Sachmaroska, executive director of the Center for change management, guest on the show 25 minutes. "The administration has proved unprepared to respond to the situation." Employees in  74.16% of the institutions keep the documents only locally, on a personal computer.

To follow the example of Western countries in digitalization, now is the right moment to catch up with modern times, for the smooth operation of the public sector in times of crisis, but also in normal conditions.

Handmade traditional clothing: Hanife Hoxha - Elbasan, Albania More

Hanife Hoxha, a woman from Elbasan, Albania, who preserves the tradition by making traditional hand-embroidered clothes.

Sajgija restaurant- Gostivar

The restaurant Saigija is another successful business story realized in the conditions of Covid 19. With the support of the "Microenterprise development project owned by women in the cross-border region", the restaurant Saigia used its many years of experience in preparing traditional dishes and started production and home-made sale of: ajvar, pindzur and ketchup.

Elvira Fetahu- FIRMA EL

Elvira Fetahu - an entrepreneur who, together with her sisters, runs a successful company, founded by their mother in 1991 in Elbasan, Albania. 

Elsa Gega - representative of the Macedonian brand Duki Daso in Albania

Elsa Gega - woman entrepreneur from Elbasan, representative for the Macedonian brand Duki Daso in Albania.

Successful example of cross-border business cooperation between RSM and the Republic of Albania.

She is part of the marketing campaign within the Project for development of micro enterprises owned by women in the cross-border region.

Marta Pejoska - Making filigree and silver jewelry

Marta Pejoska from Ohrid is part of the marketing campaign within the project for Development of micro-enterprises owned by women in the cross-border region. She is professionally dedicated to designing and making silver jewelry. The main technique in which he works is the filigree technique. Filigree as part of the Macedonian cultural heritage is what makes it even more special for her and through her work she contributes to its protection.

Angela Petrushevska- AZUR- MA

Angela Petrushevska is successful female entrepreneur in the company AZUR-MA, which is a family business and in the past 3 years builds a recognizable brand in the region. The company produces natural soaps from natural raw materials, containing honey and goat milk. The production is expanded with laundry soaps, grounded for laundering by hand and machine and in coarse condition. All raw materials that are used in the production are purchased from the rural areas in the Republic of North Macedonia. Angela is part of the marketing campaign within the project for Development of micro-enterprises owned by women in the cross-border region.

Recommendations for modernization of public services for the citizens

Recommendations for the organization of remote learning

Video retrospective of the "Project development of microenterprises owned by women in the cross border area"

The video is a short summary of all activities so far and results achieved within the project, but also the challenges that were successfully overcome.

Promotional video for the online platform

Promotional video for the online platform
On the platform you can find a wide range of products and services made by women entrepreneurs. The order is made online, and the delivery is made directly to the customer. Purchasing from the online store you can directly contribute to the development of women's entrepreneurship.

Neda Maleska Sachmaroska with comment on the Law of Top Management Service

Is now the right time to apply the Law on Top Management service? To appoint quality people with competencies in top management positions, to show political responsibility to select staff for professional and not party merits.

Neda Maleska Sachmaroska for 360 degrees.

CUP donated protective equipment from Covid-19 in the Municipality of Tetovo made by women entrepreneurs

CUP together with the partner organizations in the Municipality of Tetovo, donated equipment for protection from Covid-19 which includes 4800 protective face masks, 625 visors and 550 antibacterial organic soaps. All equipment is made by women entrepreneurs from the region of Polog and Elbasan who are involved in the project "Development of micro-enterprises of women in the cross-border area" funded by the European Union.

Empowering women enterprenuership

Strengthening women's entrepreneurship and providing sustainable solutions for the development of women's micro and small businesses is very important to harness the potential of women. It is especially important to work in rural areas and border regions, where women do not have enough support to encourage and start a business.

Such activities should increase the personal entrepreneurial skills and business competencies of women involved in formal or informal businesses. To provide legal support services in business operations. Improve production, access to market opportunities and business development opportunities and increase cross-border cooperation. Improve and revise government measures and policies for local and national support for women entrepreneurship.

All these issues are discussed on the topic by Jasna Pajkovska - Project Manager at the Center for Change Management and Martin Sopronov - Program Coordinator at the Institute for Human Rights

Corona- crisis consequences in the work of the public administration ?

The Executive Director of CUP - Neda Maleska - Sachmaroska and the Minister of Information Society and Administration - Damjan Manchevski debated on this topic in the show Euro Focus on TelmaTv.

CUP joined the fight against COVID 19

The Center for Change Management through the project "Development of micro-enterprises for women in the cross-border region" got involved in the fight against the new virus COVID 19 and mitigating its consequences.

In order to help the endangered groups of citizens and health workers in both regions, but also to strengthen the capacities for production and sale of women entrepreneurs who are part of the project, CCM and partners implementing this project have allocated funds for the production of 9,600 protections. face masks, 1,250 3D visors and 1,100 antibacterial soaps. All products that will be made by the companies that are part of this action will be donated to the healthcare institutions, the police and the risk groups of citizens. 

With this action, we make a great contribution to the protection of the citizens and the prevention of the virus, as well as the financial support of the companies involved in the action. We directly affect their liquidity in this period when there is a significant decline in the business sector.

CCM always strives to turn the changes in the society into positive results, so in a time when we are facing a great challenge, we will respond with our support. CUP will continue to mobilize available resources in the future and will take steps to help the most vulnerable categories in the face of this disaster, because every small contribution is of great importance to the community

Protocol on acting and promoting of the cooperation between the Government, Institutions, domestic small and medium Enterprises and Multinational Companies

The needs of the citizens should be the basis for improving the public services

Maja Kiroska - an example of a successful woman entrepreneur whose social framework did not present any obstacle on the road to success


Maja Kiroska - an example of a successful woman entrepreneur whose social framework did not present any obstacle on the road to success.


The video was prepared as part of a "Project for development of micro-enterprises owned by women in the cross-border region", in order to encourage and encourage other women who have the desire and potential to develop their own business and to do what they really want.

20 Years of EU Delegation in North Macedonia

Business planning training for women entrepreneurs

Through practical exercises and interactive trainings over 40 women in the MK / AL cross-border region have mastered the techniques of developing business plans and upgraded their knowledge of starting their own business and promoting it. As a result of the trainings, betterr connectivity of women from the cross-border region was made possible and increased the possibility for their future cooperation.

Business planning training for women entrepreneurs

Through practical exercises and interactive trainings over 40 women in the MK / AL cross-border region have mastered the techniques of developing business plans and upgraded their knowledge of starting their own business and promoting it. As a result of the trainings, betterr connectivity of women from the cross-border region was made possible and increased the possibility for their future cooperation.

Parliament Support Programme (PSP) supported by Switzerland

The Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia in the next 10 years will be part of the Parliament Support Programme (PSP) supported by Switzerland. The goal of the project is for the Parliament to bolster institutional credibility and public trust through the representation of the interests and needs of citizens.

Innovation in the public sector, bringing changes to improve public administration effectiveness

ЦУП во 360°- Предложен закон за висока административна служба

Предложен закон за висока административна служба, опозицијата против, експертите поделени.ЦУП учествуваше во изработката на законското решение, Искра Белчева Ристовска истакна дека построгите критериуми при изборот на раководниот кадар ќе ја прекинат праксата на поделба на директорски места по партиски клуч.

Neda Maleska Sachmaroska, guest on Top Tema- How is the budget money spent on the administration?

Neda Maleska Sachmaroska: The law on senior management provides administration in interest of the citizens

Business cooperation between MNC and the domestic SMEs

Krijojmë një të ardhme të përbashkët

Creating a Common Future

Një ngjarje të rëndësishme promovuese !

Organizojmë një ngjarje të rëndësishme promovuese për projektet e mbështetura në programin e bashkëpunimit ndërkufitar midis Republikës së Maqedonisësë Veriut dhe Republikës së Shqipërisë. Programi financohet nga Bashkimi Evropian në vlerë totale prej 3 milion euro. Veprimtaria synon promovimin dhe avancimin e turizmit në rajonin ndërkufitar. Ajo do të organizohet më 10 korrik 2019 në Ohër dhe do të zhvillohet në disa vende që ofrojnë përmbajtje më të larmishme. Hapja zyrtare dhe konferenca do të bëhen në Hotel Nova Riviera, duke filluar nga ora 10.30. Hapja e Qendrës së Shpëtimit në Kryqin e Kuq në orën 11.30. E gjithë ngjarja do të shoqërohet me ekspozita të projekteve - 9 projekte të mbështetura dhe më shumë se 30 organizata që marrin pjesë në program. Urdhëroni në Ohër më 10 korrik!

Голем промотивен настан

Организираме голем промотивен настан на проектите поддржани во рамки на програмата за прекугранична соработка помеѓу Република Северна Македонија и Република Албанија.

Со дигитална трансформација до поголема инклузија и подобри јавни услуги

Мрежа на граѓански организации за подобрување на јавните услуги и на локално ниво

Кои се најголемите проблеми во испораката на јавни услуги според граѓаните?

Отворена комуникација меѓу институциите и граѓаните за подобри јавни услуги

Земјите од ЕУ голем процент од јавните услуги им ги овозможуваат на граѓаните онлајн

Земјите од ЕУ голем процент од јавните услуги им ги овозможуваат на граѓаните онлајн. Естонија е лидер со 99% од јавните услуги достапни онлајн. Да ги подобриме јавните услуги според Европски стандарди.

Национален портал- Каталог на јавни услуги

За прв пат во земјата е изработен Каталог кој ги попишува сите услуги од институциите во јавниот сектор и овозможува целосни, јасни и недвосмислени информации за добивање на услугите.

МРЕЖА НА ГРАЃАНСКИ ОРГАНИЗАЦИИ за заедничка работа на подобрување на јавните услуги

Приклучете ја вашата граѓанска организација во МРЕЖАТА НА ГРАЃАНСКИ ОРГАНИЗАЦИИ за заеднички да работиме на подобрување на јавните услуги, како и заедничко спроведување мерки од Стратегијата за реформа на јавната администрација 2018-2022 во делот посветен на испорака на јавни услуги.

Што е потребно за да добиете јавна услуга?

Граѓаните сметаат дека не сите се еднакво третирани од страна на институциите, дигиталните услуги овозможуваат еднаков третман за сите.

Колку пати ја контактирате институцијата за да добиете јавна услуга?

Јавна администрација со висококвалитетни услуги за граѓаните

Деловна средба за вмрежување на жени претприемачки од Полог и Елбасан

На женското претприемништво од регионите на Полог од македонска страна и Елбасан од албанска страна, му е потребен дополнителен поттик. Токму затоа, Центарот за управување со промени - ЦУП во соработка со Центарот за компаративни и меѓународни студии од Тирана, Институтот за човекови права и Фондацијата „Егалите“ одлучија да реализираат едно поинакво одбележување на Меѓународниот ден на жената – 8ми март, односно да спроведат деловна средба за вмрежување на бизнис жени од регионите на Полог и Елбасан. Целта на средбата, која се одржa од 08 до 09 март 2019 во Охрид, беше преку претставување на компаниите од регионите на Полог и Елбасан и споделување на искуствата на бизнис жените од овие два региона да се разгледаат можностите за нивно деловно поврзување и соработка во секторите во кои работат. Проектот за развој на микро-претпријатија на жени во прекуграничниот регион е финансиски поддржан од страна на Делегацијата на Европската Унија во Скопје.

Како од идеја до исплатлив бизнис?

Проектот за развој на микро-претпријатиja на жени во прекуграничната област претставува одлична можност за оние кои имаат некаква идеја, но не знаат како да започнат одреден бизнис.

Заинтересираните жени од Полошкиот регион, кои сакаат да научат како своите идеи да ги преточат во исплатлив бизнис, може да се пријават за следниот циклус на обуки во Центар за управување со промени - ЦУП / Center for Change Management на телефонскиот број 02/ 609 22 16.

Projekti për zhvillimin e mikro-ndërmarrjeve të grave në rajonin ndërkufitar paraqet mundësi të shkëlqyer për ata të cilat kanë ndonjë ide, por nuk dijnë se si të fillojnë një biznes të caktuar.

Gratë e interesuara nga rajoni i Pollogut, të cilat duan të mësojnë se si idetë ti shndërrojnë në një biznes të vlefshëm, mund të paraqiten për ciklin e rradhës së trajnimeve, te Qendra për menaxhimin me ndryshimet në numrin e telefonit: 02/ 609 22 16.

Во ВИН ВИН Извршниот директор на ЦУП- Неда Малеска-Сачмароска и Професор Драган Гоцевски

Дискусија на тема Законот за висока раководна служба и професионализација на државната администрација.

Providing access to disabled people in the municipalities

Do local self-governments provide physical accessibility to the buildings of the municipality and the information provided by the municipalities?

Transparency of the local self-governments

Do local self-governments publish the information which are required by the citizens? What is the web-transparency of the local self-governments?

Providing services by the local self-governments

How services are provided by the local self-governments. Can soe processes be imrpovred?

Public enterprises founded by local self-governments

What is the current situation of functioning of the public enterprises founded by local self-governments?

What is the size of the debt of the municipalities

Documentary film which shows the level of debt of the municipalities

Presented results of the last web transparency barometer of local self-governments

Results of the index of complying with the e-transparency standards by the local self-governments were presented on a public debate organized in Stip. Municipality of Stip is the most transparent web municipality.

Effectiveness of the one stop shop system

TV news article on a research conducted by the Center for Change Management within the project "Monitoring Principles of Public Administration in Preserving Good Governance Values", which focuses on quality of services provided by the the municipalities.

Во Тетово промовиран проектот за развој на микро-претпријатија на жени во прекугранична област

Проектот во целина се однесува на потенцијалните и постоечките жени претприемачи и ќе обезбеди неопходна поддршка за да ги зајакнат нивните деловни вештини и ќе обезбеди дополнителна техничка поддршка и помош на жените за да можат да ги развиваат и прошират микро и малите бизниси во прекуграничниот регион меѓу Полог на македонска и Елбасан на албанска страна.

Professional or politicized administration?

" Seven million euros in fees for members of the governing and supervisory boards have been spent by the state in the last three years, yet the criteria on which these people are selected are very weak or non-existing"


Институции со 1 вработен кого го раководат 11 лица - 1 директор и 10 членови на управен и надзорен одбор

Телевизиски прилог емитуван во рамките на емисијата 360 степени на Телевизијата Алсат-М инспириран од анализата која ја спроведе Центарот за управување со промени за избраните и именуваните лица во Република Македонија.


Владини назначувања ја преплавија државната администрација

Телевизиски прилог на Топ Тема на ваша страна за резултатите од обемната анализа која ја спроведе Центарот за управување со промени за избраните и именуваните лица во Република Македонија. 


Топ тема на Ваша страна: Колку чинат државните Управни и Надзорни одбори?

Дебатна емисија Топ Тема на ваша страна за управните и надзорните одбори предизвикана од анализата на Центарот за управување со промени за избраните и именувани лица.

Податоците од истражувањето во емисијата ги претстави извршниот директор на ЦУП, Неда Малеска Сачмароска додека во дебатата учествуваа и Министерот за информатичко општество и администрација, Дамјан Манчевски и пратеничката од ВМРО-ДПМНЕ, Невенка Стаменковска.

Прилог на ТВ 21 за конференцијата за здравствени и социјални услуги

Незадоволство од квалитетот на здравствените и социјалните услуги -прилог на ТВ 21 за конференцијата за здравствени и социјални услуги, која се одржа во организација на ЦУП.

На конференцијата беа претставени резултатите од истражувањето на јавното мислење за здравствените и социјални услуги и се разгледуваа препораките за надминување на регистрираните недостатоци.

Прилог на Канал 5 Телевизија за конференцијата за здравствени и социјални услуги

Потребни се промени во здравствениот систем и социјалната заштита - прилог на Канал 5 ТВ за конференцијата за здравствени и социјални услуги, која во организација на ЦУП се одржа на 5-ти Април .

На конференцијата беа претставени резултатите од истражувањето на јавното мислење за социјалните и здравствени услуги и се разгледуваа препораките за надминување на регистрираните недостатоци.

Прилог на Алсат - М ТВ за конференцијата за здравствени и социјални услуги


Прилог на Алсат - М ТВ за конференцијата “Итни потреби и приоритети за унапредување на услугите во социјалната дејност и јавното здравство", која во организација на ЦУП се одржа во Четврток , 5-ти Април, во Хотел Мериот.

На конференцијата беа претставени резултатите од истражувањето на јавното мислење за социјалните и здравствени услуги и се разгледуваа препораките за надминување на регистрираните недостатоци.

360 степени - Зошто беше објавен конкурс за нови директори, ако изборот бил направен однапред?

Извршниот директор на ЦУП, Неда Малеска - Сачмароска, во прилог во емисијата 360 степени говори за процесот на именување директори на јавните претпријатија од страна на владата.

Прилог на Телевизија Телма: Транспарентност – приказна или реалност?

Извршниот директор на Центарот за управување со промени, Неда Малеска - Сачмароска, учествуваше на јавната дискусија за агендата за транспарентност на владата на Република Македонија.

Истовремено, ЦУП активно учествува во процесот на унапредување на транспарентното и отчетно владеење преку проектот "Поддршка на процесот на реформи на јавната администрација", во рамките на кој се подготвува и Националната стратегија за отворени податоци. 

"Проверено" на Телевизија 24 Вести - Неда Малеска за вработувањата во јавната администрација

Извршниот директор на Центарот за управување со промени, Неда Малеска-Сачмароска, говори за вработувањата во јавната администрација за емисијата "Проверено" на телевизијата 24 Вести.

Прилог на Телевизија Алсат-М за управно-правната заштита на граѓаните

Прилог на Телевизија Алсат-М за управните постапки, во кој се претставени наодите на истражувањето на Центарот за управување со промени за работата на второстепените комисии и управните судови. За управно-правната заштита говорат извршниот директор на ЦУП, Неда Малеска - Сачмароска и авторот на истражувањето, професорот Драган Гоцевски.

Македонска база на отворени податоци по британски терк

Прилог на  Телевизија Телма за концептот на отворени податоци, кој е дел од проектот "Поддршка на процесот на реформи на јавната администрација", кој Центарот за управување со промени го спроведува со Министерството за информатичко општество и администрација.

Покрај извршнио директор на ЦУП, Неда Малеска-Сачмароска, придобивките од отворените податоци ги објаснува и британскиот експерт, Ендрју Стот. 

Training on Investigative Journalism in Stip on Television Star

In addition, on Television Star the training of investigative journalism, which by the organization of Center for Change Management and the Institute for Human Rights on the 19th and 20th of October was held in Stip.

The interactive training of the students of journalism from the universities "Cyril and Methodius" (Skopje) and "Goce Delcev" (Stip) was held by journalists Snezana Lupevska Sozen and Mladen Cadikovski, as well as the lawyer Lazar Sandev.

Training on Investigative Journalism in Stip on Television Star

In addition, on Television Star the training of investigative journalism, which by the organization of Center for Change Management and the Institute for Human Rights on the 19th and 20th of October was held in Stip.

The interactive training of the students of journalism from the universities "Cyril and Methodius" (Skopje) and "Goce Delcev" (Stip) was held by journalists Snezana Lupevska Sozen and Mladen Cadikovski, as well as the lawyer Lazar Sandev.

Presentation on the platform for investigative journalism on Television Iris

On Television Iris the platform for cooperation and dialog between the civil society organizations and media (held in Stip) was presented.

“We in the framework of the project have 8 small projects, financed with the aim to conduct mutual investigations with civil society organizations and to arise certain questions which concern democracy and especially human rights” said Iskra Belceva – Ristovska project Manager of “Investigative journalism – safeguard of democracy and human rights”.


Presentation on the platform for investigative journalism on Television Star

The different methods of investigating on one hand by the journalists and on the other hand by civil society organizations, contributed to extensive research which today are broadcasted to several medias, said Iskra Belceva Ristovska - project manager of “Investigative journalism – safeguard of democracy and human rights”.

The web pages of the municipalities poor in data

“Only one municipality out of 81 have published data and information regarding the level of polluting substances in the water, in the air and in the soil. Additionally, most of the municipalities do not publish their urban plans. Those who do have a problem in the technical part in other words the they cannot be opened ” said Neda Maleska Sachmaroska Executive Director of Center for Change Management broadcasted on Alsat-M television, prepared by the journalist Mirko Trajanovski.

She presented the results of the extensive research carried out by the CCM for the web transparency of the municipalities in Macedonia and what citizens want to be publicly announced by the municipal authorities.


The problem of temporary employments in the public administration

The Executive Director of the Center for Change Management, Ms. Neda Maleska Sachmaroska, is answering the questions posed on the platform "Just ask", regarding the problem with the temporary employments in the administration and the way the merit system for employment is evaded by their transformation to permanent employment status. 

The video was made by the Institute for Communications Studies in cooperation with the Center for Change Management.

Answer to the question on the platform "Just Ask"

Can the citizens be engaged in the process of decision making by the administration?

D-r Natalija Sikova , from the Center for Change Management, answers the question asked for the platform "Just Ask"

Analysis of the costs of external evaluation in the education

Gordana Stefkovska Veljanovska provides an insight of the costs made for conducting the external evaluation in the period of five years.

Neda Maleska Sachmaroska for TV 24 News

Statement by the Executive Director of Center for Change Management - Neda Maleska Sachmaroska for TV 24 News. What were the findings for the external testing that Center for Change Management published in September 2016?  The complete research is available here, while you can find the infographic here.

The views and opinions of citizens on public administration of essential importance

Public administration should be of service to citizens and businesses sector. Gordana Stefkovska Veljanovska - Project Manager of Administrative Justice explains the situation in Macedonia in regards to this question.

Open data

See our creative video on: Open data in the framework of the project - Putting People First which aims to raise awareness of open data and bring them closer to the public.

Press conference: Efficiency of public administration

Center for Change Management held a national meeting titled "Efficiency of the public administration – aspect of employment in public services” within the project “Monitoring of Administrative Justice" supported by the British Embassy Skopje. The national meeting was held on 29th of March 2017 in Hotel Aleksandar Palace.

The purpose of the training was to present the project as well as key findings of the conducted field survey - perception of employment in public administration.

"Researchers in action"

“Researchers in action” interview on Alsat television with Iskra Belceva – Ristovska - Project Manager at Center for Change Management (CCM). 

Open data of municipalities

Executive Director of  Centre for Change Management (CCM) Neda Maleska Sacmaroska, spoke about the concept of open data and their importance in terms of transparency and economic potential of municipalities in the Republic of Macedonia.

Response to the question of the platform “Just ask”

Why aren’t we the regular citizens who are not a part of any political party enjoying the same rights as the political activists in the public administration of our state and similar things connected to the benefits which the political parties give to their activists?


Greater participation - better policies and regulations

Promoting the principles of good governance (accountability, transparency, participation, effectiveness and coherence) through increased influence of civil society organizations in the process of assessment (evaluation) of public policies and decision making.

Str.Mitropolit Teodosij Gologanov no.34a,
1000 Skopje, North Macedonia

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