Citizens and journalists regarding the professionalism in the media | CCM

Citizens and journalists regarding the professionalism in the media


year: 2017

This publication is part of the European Union-funded project "Investigative Journalism - Guardian of Democracy and Human Rights" co-funded by the British Embassy in Skopje and implemented by the Center for Change Management-Skopje and the Human Rights Institute-Skopje.

This publication aims to contribute to the achievement of the purpose of the project in terms of: (1) improving the conditions for trustworthy quality journalism, creating conditions for investigative journalism and (2) creating a favorable social climate and appropriate legislation based on EU directives and recommendations for the freedom of expression and expression of the media in the country.

The purpose of the analysis was to understand the perception, that is, the perception of the public (the citizens), but also of the journalists themselves, on the situation in the media sphere, especially on the perspectives for development of investigative journalism in our country. Two separate telephone surveys were conducted to obtain relevant indicators of such conditions. The analysis reveals the key factors affecting the current state of the media scene, but also outlines the steps needed to be taken by the stakeholders, such as: journalistic associations, the academic community, civil society, government institutions and, of course, the media and journalists, to improve the situation they are in, as well as to create realistic conditions for a more dynamic development of investigative journalism as a guardian of democracy and human rights.

This publication analyzes in detail the right to freedom of expression by: 1. examining the placement of this right in national and international legal framework, 2. presenting the case law of national courts, the European Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Justice in relation to this matter; and 3. improving the legal framework with conclusions and recommendations.

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