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EU integrations


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EU integrations

EU structures and functions

The comprehensive process of joining the EU requires the active involvement of all citizens of the country. Although the institutions are the ones implementing the reforms and changing the legislation, some aspects of the lives of all citizens will be changed due to changes in all areas as a result of the accession process. Hence, all citizens should have a basic knowledge of what the European Union is and how it works. This training will enable the participants to recognize the EU institutions, to understand at the basic level their position and competencies, as well as to clarify the relationship between the EU and the member states and the attitude towards RSM in the accession process.

The aim of the program is for various target groups in the society to get acquainted with the work and competencies of the EU, ie the program is adapted according to the most relevant aspects for the target group. Equally, familiarity with EU policies will address in more detail the policies that are of most interest to the target group.

EU integrations

IPA Sector Programming

The programme is intended for the representatives of the institutions that are in charge of planning the assistance in accordance with the defined sectors by the EU. Sectoral programming is based on the premise that the state has defined comprehensive sector strategies, but the reality is that in most sectors there are segmented strategies, hence the need for joint planning and prioritization.

In addition, when programming, the state must use forms and documents established by the European Commission, and their use can be challenging.

EU integrations

Harmonization of national legislation with the EU and monitoring and evaluation of the NPAA

In order for the Republic of Northern Macedonia to gain full EU membership, one of the preconditions is full compliance with European legislation. This training offers practical advice on the harmonization of national legislation with EU legislation, relevant stakeholders in the process and the National Monitoring Framework - NPAA.

EU integrations

EU membership negotiation process

The European Union has finally decided to start EU membership negotiations after 15 years of EU candidate status.Membership in the European Union is not a process that affects only the public administration, but also civil society, academia, companies, industry, participants, students, all citizens.This is a process that should be conducted through a broad involvement of all stakeholders and openly and transparently to the public.The purpose of this training is for students to get acquainted with the process of conducting negotiations with the EU.

EU integrations

Screening for EU acquis

The training aims to provide more detailed and practical guidance on the screening process for advanced chapters, with their essential analysis and position-building guidelines.

A prerequisite for attending this training is the previous monitoring of the training "EU Membership Negotiation Process".