Visit to the Parliament of North Macedonia | CCM

Visit to the Parliament of North Macedonia

Date: 31.01.2025

Within the framework of the Youth Observers project an event was held was held at the National Assembly of North Macedonia. the participants were warmly welcomed by Tome Gushev who is the Head of the Unit on Education and Communication of the Assembly of North Macedonia, he presented an overview of the assembly’s role in impacting the lives of the nation’s youth. The attendees were then led by Tome to the smaller of the two national assembly halls. There the attendees met the two youngest MPs of the nation’s parliament. The MPs Dragana Bojkovska and Sergej Popov introduced themselves and their role in the current governments arrangement as well as their roles as young representatives and leaders in their political party. They spoke of the actions they have taken to impact the nation’s youth as well as the importance of youth activity, engagement and involvement in the processes of lawmaking and governmental functioning. The MPs also spoke of the importance and cruciality of following the work of the MPs and government from the youth in order to ensure the accountability and quality of the work being done by both the MPs and the government. Following the introductory statements of the MPs, the participants and the MPs had a Q and A session and discussion regarding the role of youth in the parliament and the laws and activities being implemented to target the needs of the nation’s youth. All of the attendees took part in the discussion, they enthusiastically and energetically discussed with the MPs issues which are currently being faced by the youth as well as actions which could be taken in order to address these concerns and ideas mentioned by the attendees. After the conclusion of the meeting with the MPs the attendees were led by Tome on a tour of the entirety of the national assembly. The attendees were allowed to visit the main assembly hall where the MPs gather to vote on laws. They were also shown some of the most historically significant and important rooms of the assembly. They visited the chamber of the president of the assembly as well as the meeting room of the assembly’s president and the leaders of the government.