A representative of the CENTER FOR CHANGE MANAGEMENT took part as a speaker in the conference “CITIZENS FIRST” organized by the regional project WEBER, whose goal was to enhance and broaden the dialogue on creating and implementing inclusive and transparent policies that take into account citizens’ needs across the Western Balkans region. Overall, the conference aimed at facilitating greater bottom-up demand for better administration in the region, while complying with the top-down requirements of the EU accession process in the PAR area, thus contributing to sustainable administrative reforms that benefit the citizens of the region.
CCM presented its multi-year programme for improvement of public services delivery, including the specific measures:
The event gathered civil society representatives from across the region, researchers, representatives of academia, the media, distinguished international PAR experts, high-level officials from the European Commission and SIGMA/OECD, government officials from the Western Balkans, representatives of relevant regional organisations, as well as the citizens themselves.
Date: 01.11.2024
Date: 06.10.2024