Expert debate for the administrative legal assistance and protection of the citizens | CCM

Expert debate for the administrative legal assistance and protection of the citizens

Date: 18.12.2017

In which areas have the citizens submitted the highest number of complaints in the past period of 5 years and more, regarding the administrative law? What was the outcome of the appeals and how many of these cases have led to complaints to the administrative and the higher administrative court? What is the assessment for the final outcome for some of the key indicators for efficiency of the institutions themselves?

The Center for change management will present the answers to all of these questions during the expert debate in the areas of the administrative law and protection of the citizens, which will be held on the 19th of December in Aleksandar Palace Hotel, starting from 9.30.

The opinions of the citizens regarding the process of submitting complaints and appeals for certain decisions of the institutions, will also be presented, as well as how protected they feel in this sense.

The main findings and conclusions will be presented by Dragan Gocevski, professor at the faculty of law “Iustinianus Primus” and the key expert of the project “Monitoring administrative justice”.

The challenges in the work of the Administrative Court will be addressed by the President of this institution, Mr. Bujrim Sejdini, while the effects of the work of the state commission for decisions about the administrative procedures will be presented by its president Irena Brzanova.

The state counsilor in the MISA, Biljana Nikolovska – Zhagar will focus on the priorities in the regulation of the general administrative procedure.

A number of lawyers who practice administrative law will present their own experience for the access to the administrative legal assistance. At the same time, a number of proposed measures for advancement of the efficiency of the administrative – legal assistance will be presented on the event.