The Center for change management, is publishing the list of organizations –recipients of grants for implementation of projects, which were chosen in the process of selection as part of the Calls for re-granting, which were announced on 05.05.2017 for all regions in Macedonia and the repeated call for Vardarski and Eastern region on the 14.06.2017.
These organizations will implement projects, whose purpose is to improve the standards of work of the public administration in the municipalities in Macedonia, as well as improve the communication and dialogue between the local self-government, the civil society and other relevant subjects in the municipalities.
List of re-grantists:
Pelagonia region:
Northeastern region:
Southeastern region:
Southwestern region:
Polog region:
Vardar region:
Eastern region
Date: 01.02.2025
Date: 31.01.2025
Date: 25.12.2024
Date: 01.11.2024