Strengthening the Assembly with the support of Switzerland | CCM

Strengthening the Assembly with the support of Switzerland

Date: 12.07.2019

Strengthening the Assembly with the support of Switzerland!
The project, totaling 11 million Swiss francs, will be implemented from July 2018 to December 31, 2029, with Swiss support, and implemented by the National Democratic Institute (NDI).
The Assembly will receive support for independence efforts through consensus building, structural reforms and capacity building for institutional development, its legislative and oversight role, its institutional transparency and accountability.
The Parliamentary Support Program Implementation Team, led by Robert Scott Hayeslet, includes NDI, the Center for Change Management and the Institute for Democracy (Societas Civilis, Skopje), in institutional partnership with the Swiss Federal Assembly, the European Parliament, the Estonian Rigikogu, the German Bundestag and the Latvian-based NGO

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