Reinventing governance | CCM

Reinventing governance

This project strives to enhance the accountability of the institutions by improving the coordination and implementation of Government policies will ensure overall effective functioning of the Government. This can be achieved through solid mechanisms in place for development of evidence-based policies, defining Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that will be monitored under CoG coordination, improved internal communication protocols within the designated administrative network and effective system of delegation and responsibilities. Most important, better understanding and awareness of citizens, media and civil society organizations about the principles of good governance will increase the pressure on the government to deliver more effective policies with better results for citizens.

Finally, improved governance will increase accountability and transparency of the institutions and politicians towards citizens in the long term, thus limiting possibilities for corruption, political influencing and clientelism.

Therefore, the overall goal of the project is to create effective governance standards and to facilitate the process of synchronised evidence-based policy planning and implementation process. 

Period 15.12.2022 - 31.03.2025

Donor: British Embassy in Skopje

Project beneficiary: Government of the Republic of North Macedonia

Main goal:

Redesigning governance system for improved coordination and monitoring of government performance

Raising awareness about importance of good governance standards among the policy makers, CSO’s, media and citizens

Strenghtning capacities of selected members of the public administration for monitoring of government performance and delivery of results

Expected results:

Proposed model for redesigned governance system to deliver better policy outcomes for all citizens

Defined national good governance standards and tools

Developed institutional setup and electronic management system

Series of strategic communication products aimed at educating policy makers, CSO’s and the citizens about the meaning of Good Governance standards in the management of public policies

Capacity building for public administration in implementation of good governance standard

Project gallery

Presentation of the new model for monitoring the implementation of public policies and values of public administration

Workshop - Solutions for improving the Rules of Procedure of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia

Workshop on solutions for the improvement of the Rules of Procedure of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia

Meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of North Macedonia in charge of policies for good governance Slavica Grkovska

Workshop on Problem Analysis for the Processes Regulated by the Rules of Procedure of the RSM Government

Work Мeeting with the State Secretaries of the Ministries and the Secretary General of the Government

Workshop - Policy Coordination by the "Center of Government"

Panel discussion "Reinventing Governance"

Video - CCM program coordinator Iskra Belcheva Ristovska on "Utrinska na Telma"

Guest apearance of the CCM program coordinator Iskra Belcheva Ristovska on "Utrinska na Telma" on the occasion of the piloting of the interactive platform for monitoring the work of the Government

Guest appearance of the executive director of CCM Neda Maleska Sachmaroska in the show "Programi 200" on Alsat TV

Guest appearance of the executive director of CCM Neda Maleska Sachmaroska in the show "Programi 200" on Alsat TV on the occasion of:

- The effectiveness of the reorganization of the administration,
- The quality of the senior management service and the (mis)use of the acting institute. director,
​- The values ​​according to which the public sector should be managed in the management of public affairs and delivery of results for citizens.

Guest appearance of CCM researcher Aneta Ivanova Stojanoska on the morning program on TV Telma

Guest appearance of CCM researcher Aneta Ivanova Stojanoska on the morning program on TV Telma, on the occasion of the Government Work Program 2024-2028. About how much it contains pre-election promises and measurable indicators and about how CCM will monitor the implementation of the Program through the platform in the coming period.

Guest appearance of the CCM executive director Neda Maleska Sachmaroska in the TV show "25 Minutes"

Guest appearance of CCM executive director Neda Maleska Sachmaroska in the TV show "25 minutes", on the occasion of the reorganization of the state administration bodies, optimization of the public sector, the "balancer" tool and the promises in the Government Work Program 2024-2028.

CCM program coordinator Iskra Belcheva Ristosvka guest appearance on 360 degree show

Guest of the CCM program co-ordinator Iskra Belcheva Ristovska in the show "360 degrees", in connection with the Government's work program for the period 2024-2028 and how far the pre-election promises are kept in it and how the CCCM will monitor the implementation of the Program through the interactive platform

The platform was created within the framework of the "Rethinking Management" project, which was implemented by CCM and supported by the Government of the United Kingdom through the British Embassy in Skopje.

CCM program coordinator Iskra Belcheva Ristovska on TV Telma - Presentation of the platform

Guest appearence of the CCM program coordinator Iskra Belcheva Ristovska on the morning program of Telma TV, with the aim of presenting the platform, through which the CUP follows the promises of the political parties in the 2024 parliamentary elections.

The platform was created within the framework of the "Rethinking Management" project, which was implemented by CUP and supported by the Government of the United Kingdom through the British Embassy in Skopje.

Guest appearance of CCM executive director Neda Maleska Sachmaroska on Sitel TV -

Guest of the executive director of CCM Neda Maleska Sachmaroska on the program "Topic of the day" on TV Sitel, on the occasion of the interactive platform, through which CCM follows the promises of political parties in the 2024 parliamentary elections.

The platform was created within the framework of the "Rethinking Management" project, which was implemented by CCM and supported by the Government of the United Kingdom through the British Embassy in Skopje.

The program coordinator of CCM Iskra Belcheva Ristovska in the program Detector on TV Sitel

The executive director of CCM Neda Maleska Sachmaroska in the show Detector on TV Sitel

Guest appearance in the morning program on TV Thelma of the program coordinator at CCM Iskra Belcheva Ristovska

(online) Workshop "Performance and Success Indicators" - Public Administration Training Series

Interview with the executive director of CUP Neda Maleska Sachmaroska on 25 Minutes

Workshop "Leadership focused on results" - Series of trainings for public administration

Within the framework of the "Rethinking Management" project, the Center for Change Management (CMP) organizes a series of trainings for public administration. This series of trainings started with an online workshop entitled "Leadership for Change", led by Stephen Batey, formerly of the UK Prime Minister's Office Performance Monitoring Unit. Representatives from all central institutions in the country were present at the online workshop.

How things got done - in translation "how things were done" is a one-sentence summary of the work of the Unit for monitoring the delivery of results in the Prime Minister's office in Great Britain (Prime Minister's Delivery Unit).

The project "Rethinking Management" is funded by UK International Development by the Government of the United Kingdom through the British Embassy in Skopje and is implemented by the Center for Change Management (CMP) in cooperation with the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia.

Panel Discussion "Reinventing Governance"

Str.Mitropolit Teodosij Gologanov no.34a,
1000 Skopje, North Macedonia

Tel: +389 2 6092 216