Mbrojtja administrative-juridike e qytetarëve dhe të punësuarve në administratën publike | CCM

Mbrojtja administrative-juridike e qytetarëve dhe të punësuarve në administratën publike

year: 2017

This research presents the various forms of legal protection that are available to citizens and legal entities in the Republic of Macedonia, the procedures through which it is performed, the legal means through which it is exercised and the competent institutions before which it is performed. In order to acquaint the reader with how to distinguish administrative procedure from other forms of legal protection, this report provides an overview of all forms of legal protection as well as the procedures through which it is realized and the relevant institutions. The work of the state commissions that decide in the second instance in special administrative procedures, as well as the work of the Administrative Court and the Higher Administrative Court is reviewed. The purpose of the research is to see the state of the system for administrative-legal protection in the Republic of Macedonia, individually, at the level of an institution, and in its entirety, as a single system. The idea is to see the trends in terms of what citizens complain about the most, as well as the part of lawsuits or administrative disputes in which they seek appropriate legal protection. The ultimate goal is to determine the positive aspects of the system of administrative-legal protection, its speed and efficiency, but also the problems and challenges faced by citizens, as well as the institutions themselves in terms of providing administrative-legal protection and its implementation in practice.This publication offers an overview of the perceived problems and challenges faced by the institutions themselves through which the administrative protection of the rights of citizens and legal entities is realized and recommendations are given for overcoming them: meritorious decision-making, strengthening the capacity of administrative courts to monitor the execution of judgments, the harmonization of the manner of keeping records of the work between all secondary bodies and the administrative courts.

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