Report from the Monitoring of Equitable and Fair Representation in the Public Sector | CCM

Report from the Monitoring of Equitable and Fair Representation in the Public Sector


year: 2023

The Republic of North Macedonia (RNM) is a multicultural and multi-ethnic society. The division of power into legislative, executive and judicial is a fundamental value of the constitutional order of the RNM (Constitution, 1991), and the essence of power-sharing derives from the "Ohrid Framework Agreement" (OFA), signed in 2001 , in order to address inequalities and ensure greater participation rights for non-majority communities. OFA establishes a framework that takes into account fair representation and respect for the principle of non-discrimination, especially in the composition of the public administration, in the police services and in other spheres of public life and in public funding (OFA, 2001: 4.1 & 4.2). OFA emphasizes that laws governing employment in public administration should include measures to ensure fair representation of communities in all central and local public bodies, as well as at all levels of employment within those bodies, while respecting the rules of merit, competence and integrity, which are the basis of public administration. In addition, the OFA indicates that the necessary actions should be taken to correct the imbalances in the composition of the public administration, especially through the employment of persons from underrepresented communities (OFA, 2001). The provisions of the OFA have been incorporated into a series of constitutional amendments.

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