Standards for e-Transparency in the Local Self-Governments | CCM

Standards for e-Transparency in the Local Self-Governments

year: 2017

Having in mind the principles of good governance and the determination to encourage civic participation at the local level by increasing the transparency and accountability of the bodies of local self-government units - the mayor and the council - as well as the local administration, and also starting from the possibilities of modern technologies for catalyzing this process, this document aims to determine the standards for e-transparency, or the information and data that the units of local self-government (LSGU) should publish on their websites in narrative form as well as in open data form. The aim is to support LSGUs in their efforts to fully implement the legal obligations arising from the Law on Local Self-Government for regular information to the public by municipal bodies (mayor and council), council commissions and public services established by the municipality, for their work, as well as for the plans and programs that are important for the development of the municipality.

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